you either missed the point of the post or never made it past the title. all is good.
I read it all my friend and understood it all. It was just a joke but the fact is I've seen many posts where people with experience lost bitcoin in a LN node doing mistakes or, just with closed channels. I personally don't think it's an easy endeavor and don't think it's worth it for most people.
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @JoeT OP 24 Feb
thanks for the feedback. you are mostly correct although there is some opposing nuances to what you are saying. Happy HODLing!
Other than the recent unexpectedly large channel closing fees, I don't remember stories about people losing money running an LN due to mistakes... most mistakes were and are recoverable, as illustrated by OP's post. But the stress caused by these complicated recovery processes indeed makes it not worth the trouble for most people at this point in time. Things are improving rapidly though, cautiously optimistic for LN's future.