This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
slide by goo goo dolls is actually a really depressing song
Beend doing a bitcion podcast in Dutch called "allesvoorbitcoin", working on some updates and guides today, and having a long walk through the city.
Been watching this python course
Currently on chapter 7 (files) this is probably the best Python course I have watched to date. Thing is finding time to actually put what I learn to practice
Are you following along and doing exercises or just watching?
Just following along. Now I am going to go back and review the free textbook that comes with this video and do some exercises. The videos are like lectures no examples. Why I stopped at 7 for now to re enforce what I learned 1-6. I understand most of it just struggle with loops
What's the struggle?
When I see it in practice I’m like yes I get it. But when it’s actually time to read an example then code it with out help my brain just turns to mush like I can’t come up with the code to do the loop
What helped me is to think about the logic for a solving a small instance of the problem without loops. Then you can look for repeated code and decompose it into functions. After that, it's easier to see the parts that can be generalized to solve for an arbitrary instance. Wrap those functions in a loop to make the general solution :)
I think of it more like a merry-go-round and each statement is sort of like your position as you go around. At some point the ride stops (you exit the loop), and you get on another ride.
Well i need some sats for real..
Have 1k on me
omg thanks!!!
rounding up to 2k ;)
You guys are amazing!!!!! <3
keep em coming!!
Buy some?
no funds atm
Up for the last few hours due to the AirBnB neighbors. Really bad this time. This group has to be on stimulants because they binge drink all day starting at noon, and are up now still drinking, hooting, and hollering (it’s 5am). Last night they were outside drinking until 7am
It may be a good time to look for another place. There are companies that pack all your stuff, move it and it just shows up in the new place...
I think I’ve heard of those guys? Movers I think they’re called 😉.
We are in our lease for another 6 months. We’ve decided to ask the landlord if he’ll let us out though or let us sublease. I assume rents have risen so might be compelling if he’s strictly self-interested.
Been trying to get AirBnB to do something. Even called the cops last night. Had a blowout with the host who is either naive or manipulative (probably a bit of both).
We also really love this part of town. Our place is tiny but the perfect size. Our cat is adjusted to it. We wanted to make it work and not give up on it, but it’s too far gone now.
You have a tough situation man :(
I think you can get yourself out of the lease early without any fine, because you have legally valid reasons. And next place can be even better than the current one... for clowns, stackers and cats :)
Since I can't sleep, going to work on adding an onion address ... while it's trivial to create an onion service, especially because I already run a tor http tunnel, it's more work than I thought, because
  1. CORS
  2. I need to only let the service run on one machine (unless I use something like onion balance)
  3. Need to make sure I only use relative urls
Man, there's a lot more to this than I thought.
I also need to deal with authentication/login which all point to the and not the onion.
Are you going to make a vanity address?
Yeah, probably going with this one: snsnsnya6h3ot563f3p566wuhfoklkg5f62hokdlaqzcaub3gf4xlxyd.onion
stackernews is too long. stacker is too vague.