Its already happened! The world has woken to this already. But it has been a non-military tool we have used for decades. Cat is out of the bag. Us it while you can before it all goes away. BRICS is partially formed because the awareness of the weaponized dollar!
Will it speed up de-dollarization? Seems to be your thesis in this post. Maybe you are correct. But the dollar as a weapon is a known tactic.
this territory is moderated
they should never have expropriated Russian assets. that was a serious strategic mistake that can massively accelerate de-dollarization. but i'm talking about a process that can extend over years, if i'm the tenth.
What should be done about this Russian aggression? No good choices in war.
We never seized Soviet assets during the Cold War or German or Italian or Japanese assets during World War Two. I am not talking about Japanese Americans who lost their property during internment
This was a historical mistake as it destroyed the trust that ia needed to build trading patterns
How about neutrality? Humanitarian help? Diplomacy?
Doesn't always work.
Eventually you need force, sometimes.
Some people wont stop. Some people are unreasonable.
But would haven been worth a try. Now 600.000 Ukrainians and 70.000 Russians are dead
Those are two unrelated events, sir.
The suggestion that we should have tried peaceful diplomacy with Putin is naive.
Appears the tactic has been to wear down Russian economy and use wartime attrition at the expense of willing Ukrainians who joined the fight.
Would you suggest I peacefully speak with an armed home invader? They are not reasonable people. You shoot them in the face!
We are using economic warfare as a means to forestall physical warfare.
Russian tanks would have turned Ghandi into a pink smear in the dirt.
Johnson stopped a possible peace negociation April 2022. These people are part of what Eisenhower called the military ind. complex. All financed by money printing.
Why would Boris have any say?
Do you think Ukraine should have given the eastern regions to Russia?
Russia would have stopped maybe? Well they didn't after annexing crimea.
This is the narrative.
Russia is in a fight for national survival over territory and resources, imo.
The nazi germans were given territory early in WWII and they abused it.
The USA has a strict policy of not negotiating with terrorists. Fools errand.