that's funny....maybe "skip life" too 😂
curious to hear what Bitcoiners thinks about Valentine's Day? I think the modern-day Valentine's Day is more like marketing for sales, I remember I once asked the guy to throw the flower away ( when I was super young ) because a. it's stupid holding it, b. extra stupid paying so much on that day... 😂😂😂
😂 edit: 😂😂😂
for real, why do men think gifting flowers in public is romantic? It's catching so much unwanted attention...I would much rather receive sats with cool msg over LN. 😂
To be honest, you are not the typical woman. I'm not saying that's good or bad, I don't judge that.
What about some sats with a flower emoji? 💐
can be more creative than that! like sending sats over LN, with a message with detailed steps guiding how to find a handwritten love letter:)
should I offer my romantic idea as a service 🤓
That would be a really a romantic proof of work 😄
oh def, a real handwritten love letter is way better than flowers ( can't use chatGPT! ) 😎
227 sats \ 6 replies \ @ek 14 Feb
Because maybe we think women like attention 👀👀👀
gets ready to get thrown out of the saloon by @Natalia
shouts from outside: but maybe that's the problem: some see a woman and not the person inside 👀
could be, then being lied by those ads what women want instead of trying to understand what the person next to you wants or likes.
184 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 14 Feb
Starts creating a profile of @Natalia. First entry:
  • likes sats
if a bitcoiner doesn't like sats, then something must be wrong hahha
don't you find it awkward holding it while walking around in the street too? 👀
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 14 Feb
Not sure, never bought flowers 👀👀👀
good choice!
Skip life, skip problems
but solving problems can be fun and much learning in the process. 👀
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 14 Feb
Yes, just like life :)
Or solving the problem of holding flowers by telling the guy who bought them to throw them away haha
one little detail is enough to know that guy doesn't know me well, ofc I asked he to throw it away. 😂