"This project has been a fantastic conversation starter to bring awareness to lived experiences, particularly of women in this case,"
Have they shown a connection between lived experiences and this behavior? Otherwise they are just telling a story, not presenting scientific facts, this behavior could have different causes.
I agree, I think more could have been done to build up their conclusion.
Why can't we live in a world where women don't have to think about these things? It's heartbreaking to hear of things women close to me have dealt with
I do believe that women have it tougher when walking alone at night but there's just not enough evidence from this study to show that their perception is due to past encounters.
It would be nice to work towards a world where there is no difference between the heat maps in these sets of images. That is the hope of the public health discipline
Assuming women aren't naturally more aware of their surroundings and that this all stems from societal factors
I agree. Luckily, the actual study (not the phys.org summary/commentary) is more factual. But linking the actual paper would have been a bit too dry for most.