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I read somewhere that most women walking alone at night are highly aware of their surroundings, constantly evaluating threats and basically non-stop fear of rape.
It's a sad society we've become.
Bitcoin doesn't fix this, I believe. /s
SIG P365 does :-)
Fully loaded
It’s natural for women to be extra vigilant, it’s a reflection of gender and sex rather than society.
I believe It will fix this. Society is mad, stressful and aggressive partly because the fiat money system. People are unable to save money. Continuously loosing purchasing power and it does give stress. Fiat money creates war between people rather than war against central banks.
There will be horny dudes without self control regardless of being on a Bitcoin standard or not. The same way there are rapists amongst the rich that don't have to worry about money in today's society. Don't kid yourself.
My best analogy for what it's like to be a woman: it's like walking around with $1k-$100k duct taped to your chest (depending on apparent attractiveness).
Dave Chapelle has a bit on this https://youtube.com/shorts/3gPCm7Cmmsc
I wonder if I heard that bit somewhere
Chest or behind
Good point, maybe it should be distributed more evenly.
"This project has been a fantastic conversation starter to bring awareness to lived experiences, particularly of women in this case,"
Have they shown a connection between lived experiences and this behavior? Otherwise they are just telling a story, not presenting scientific facts, this behavior could have different causes.
I agree, I think more could have been done to build up their conclusion.
Why can't we live in a world where women don't have to think about these things? It's heartbreaking to hear of things women close to me have dealt with
I do believe that women have it tougher when walking alone at night but there's just not enough evidence from this study to show that their perception is due to past encounters.
It would be nice to work towards a world where there is no difference between the heat maps in these sets of images. That is the hope of the public health discipline
Assuming women aren't naturally more aware of their surroundings and that this all stems from societal factors
I agree. Luckily, the actual study (not the phys.org summary/commentary) is more factual. But linking the actual paper would have been a bit too dry for most.
Wow, this is a fascinating one.
Would be interesting to see this methodology re-run across multiple geographies, e.g., get women in low-SES areas, high-SES areas, low in violence, high in violence, etc. That would probably be even more eye opening.
BYU is in Utah which is one of the safest states in USA.
I didn't read the methods -- the pics were drawn from Utah college campuses, but I don't know where the subjects were drawn from. They got 600, so I'm guessing they were from everywhere.
if the ss were also from BYU, etc., that would be even a more telling statement.
What a better world it would be if all women trained to use a firearm and always carried.
Not all woman are good people..
Fully loaded
A certain percent of men are psychopaths and a certain percent of them want to rape women. Hence, a woman walking home at night has more risk. I don't need studies to tell me this.
studies show women don't look where they're going