Although it's, as yet, only a small poll of 16 stackers, I'm a little surprised that three years polled beyond others. It would've been better if the participant pool was bigger to give it any certainty.
4 Rat 4 Monkey (incl. myself) 3 Pig 1 Ox 1 Dragon 1 Snake 1 Goat 0 Tiger 0 Horse 0 Rooster 0 Dog
I'm gonna try and dissect the figures and look up how each year tackle finances and technology tomorrow.
Any help from more knowledgeable stackers from the culturr would be very welcome... So, @cryotosensei - have you any insights at all?
Tbh I don’t really place too much stock in zodiac signs because a Monkey born in 1980 will surely behave very differently from a Monkey born in 1992 due to generational differences. You know the Gen X vs Gen Y thingy.
It’s interesting what @lv99slacker said about being a rat, though.
I have my biases, though. I’m ENFP and am a great fan of the MBTI theory - about how there are only 16 personalities that roam this earth.
Speaking of which, did you know that Japanese and Korean people believe that their blood type consequently affects their personality?
@lv99slacker's contribution, mentioning rat traits, made me think about looking into each year's tech & financial characteristics.
Weekends are precious family time for me so I've yet to raise a finger yet on this but I certainly will.
I think most are aware now that the mind who created Holmes was terrible at deduction in the real world.
Conan-Doyle concluded that faked photos of faeries were real and similarly had a big blind spot for automatic writing charlatans.
It's all serendipitous, but I'll introduce Doyle's back-story when I get down to write a follow-up post.
I'm going into this mini-research blind, I don't have any real prior knowledge of this - so hopefully Doyle's story can act as a cautionary tale for me and others when i try and interpret the results while I attempt to keep an objective, open mind.
Here's hoping!