@lv99slacker's contribution, mentioning rat traits, made me think about looking into each year's tech & financial characteristics.
Weekends are precious family time for me so I've yet to raise a finger yet on this but I certainly will.
I think most are aware now that the mind who created Holmes was terrible at deduction in the real world.
Conan-Doyle concluded that faked photos of faeries were real and similarly had a big blind spot for automatic writing charlatans.
It's all serendipitous, but I'll introduce Doyle's back-story when I get down to write a follow-up post.
I'm going into this mini-research blind, I don't have any real prior knowledge of this - so hopefully Doyle's story can act as a cautionary tale for me and others when i try and interpret the results while I attempt to keep an objective, open mind.
Here's hoping!