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There are several reasons why this won't happen:
  1. Putin has the control over the extreme right in his country so far
  2. the Russian leadership is nowhere near as aggressive and stupid as certain other states that are destroying their own country in permanent interventions.
  3. Putin has never pointed out that it is about Russian geopolitical interests outside the Russian-held areas of Ukraine.
4 the primary concern in the Donbass is to secure coal and gas reserves. this has always been the strategic background to all the conflicts in the region
  1. the persistent penetration by the propaganda media that Russia has an interest in invading other European states already makes the argument suspect
  2. Russia could never hold a military position in a European state
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You are assuming that Putin isn't liar and is acting rationally from Western point of view, both of which are false.
i look at the world from the greatest possible distance. i am not a party to any war as a free individual. all these state representatives are liars. or do you seriously believe that the numerous wars that people like George Bush Bill Clinton or Barack Obama have started or even this completely stupid current president in any way justify millions of civilian collateral damage?
Not all state representatives and politicians are equally evil. Russia is and has always been more evil than average country. Even under democrat Yeltsin they started and participated in multiple wars (Abkhazia 1992, Transnistria 1992, Chechenia 1994).
Good and evil are not categories in which I judge politics. we do not live in a binary world! that is too simple - things are much more complex and Russia has been deliberately constructed by the western media as the realm of evil. it is the ever-popular foreign policy enemy that the British and neocons from America use to activate their partners in Germany, France and other countries. Russia is the most resource-rich country in the world - that is its problem and its strength
Russia has been deliberately constructed by the western media as the realm of evil
They have been realm of evil since foundation of Muscovy in 13th century. All their history have always been conquering and killing.
okay, if that's the category: then what about the Germans? or the Spanish and Portuguese who conquered half the world? or the Romans as the ancestors of the Italians? Are Italians then also all the bad things in the world? or what about the Americans who were not exactly friendly towards the Indians? or the Japanese at the time of the Chinese war? that is sheer nonsense. And the Brits???