Difference is that Russia is still doing this today, they do ethnic cleansings in a two ways - first against Ukrainians in Ukraine, secondly by conscripting in army mostly non-Russians. Same as communist China.
this territory is moderated
and if you're so interested in history, why don't you study what happened in the Donbass after the 2014 coup? there, ethnic Russians were targeted and thousands were eliminated by Ukrainian mercenaries.
I have bunch of Russian speaking Ukrainian (yes, not everybody speaking Russian in Ukraine are Russians, same as not everybody speaking English in Ireland are English) friends from Donbas, none of them support Russia.
anecdotal evidence, just like the binary distinction between good and evil, is not a relevant category for me to rationally explain things I observe
but once again: have you completely missed the missions of the American-British alliance over the last few decades? why don't you go into it! how many civilians have been killed by President 'dronestrike'?
how many civilians have been killed by President 'dronestrike'?
Less than by Russians in Ukraine. There is a lots of evidence Russian soldiers just openly shooting random civilians on the streets for fun. And Russians deliberatly mostly target civilian targets in Ukraine, like residental buildings and shopping malls. And that's nothing new, they did the same in Chechenia and Syria too.
You're joking, right?
No, I'm not.
so if at this point in the debate you still don't want to go into what the real global empire has been for decades and what consequences the British-American interventions have had on the globe, then this debate makes no sense here