We have a 16 month old, so I don't need my alarm anymore. My advice for any parents is to just go to bed early. When we stay up late we usually consume crap on our phones or eat when we aren't hungry. I get around 7-8 hours a night, but usually it is broken by our toddler waking up in his cot, which doesn't bother me.
Tips for ensuring better sleep, at least for me:
  • Avoid blue light at least one hour before bed.
  • Make your bedroom a phone free place. ban phones and stick to it.
  • Blackout blinds.
  • Get a bigger bed, especially if you have kids. We got a king, was a game changer.
  • Make sure all lightning in your bedroom is chill, none of those blinding light bulbs.
  • Keep bedroom minimalist and tidy. think of it as a sacred place.
  • no laptops or screens in the bedroom.
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I like what you say about keeping the bedroom a sacred place.
I think the thing I’m struggling with now is: I will feel like crap if I just go to sleep and not have my me time at the end of the day. Case in point: by the time I finished settling my two kids, it was already 11pm, so I was feeling so sorry for myself. But I just steeled my resolve to go and sleep lar
How do you fill your own tank throughout the day/night?
I have a bitcoin meetup every two weeks, and a yoga class once a week. So thats an opportunity for me to get space to focus on me and things I am interested in. My wife has similar activities- and when she is partaking them I am on toddler duty. It has been working really well. In general, because I am trying to get a startup off the ground, I hack in the morning, early. So in the evenings, its really just dinner and getting the kiddo down that we have to worry about. I do notice when we mess up our schedule, everything falls apart. So as much as I love to travel - it is a disaster for routine.