I love this as an illustration of forces at work. XMR is overtly dangerous to state surveillance capacity -- it's an in-your-face flaunt of what the state wants to do. That will elicit certain reactions from the state, and those reactions will have price and liquidity consequences.
Who can say how this will play out on the timescale of decades -- maybe XMR having to be a true grassroots cryptocurrency will work out to its benefit in the long run. But in the short and medium term, this is a predictable outcome, and it will probably get worse (e.g., more de-listings, more price shocks) before it gets better.
If btc core devs went hard at privacy, you should expect similar. Would that be good or bad? Depends on who you ask, I guess.
0 sats \ 4 replies \ @OT 6 Feb
You think BTC could drop ~30% if a large exchange like Binance delists it?
I think so, yes. Maybe not in a day but a large exchange wouldn't delist it for no reasons. So the reasons for it are probably worth a -30% or more dip.
0 sats \ 2 replies \ @OT 6 Feb
I don't
Bitcoin is too big. Might take a smaller drop 10% or so
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 6 Feb
Bitcoin went down 15% in 11 days for no reason I remember just 2 weeks ago
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @OT 7 Feb
ETF traders BTRSTN
Interesting, but I wonder if it is just one of those momentary events. I've seen similar stuff happen to Bitcoin over the years. In the long run, it always didn't mattered.
The truth is that today there are many other alternatives to centralized exchanges, and more of them than in the past.
Will be interesting to watch the next weeks/months.
Monero only goes down
I predicted this to XMR maxis long time ago, but they don't care about adoption.
Regulation is making privacy coins go down as per Binance action here
Honestly... This kinda makes me wanna add this to my portfolio. (I did recently have it but with the threats of delistings etc etc I did get rid of it.)
Binance are delisting it largely because they're trying to be more regulatory compliant. Binance has mostly just been dragged through the mud by the American legal system because they don't like it. (Don't get me wrong I'm not a Binance fan either with all their data leaks etc)
If regulators and big govt don't want me to have it... I gotta ask if maybe I should have it.
Especially when the CIA (allegedly) still has a bounty out (unfulfilled) for anyone who can crack the encryption of monero. This move tells me they don't want regular people with it... And that kinda makes me want it.
Especially when the CIA (allegedly) still has a bounty out (unfulfilled) for anyone who can crack the encryption of monero. This move tells me they don't want regular people with it... And that kinda makes me want it.
The heavy-handed intervention we just saw here today is the best proof yet that the censorship-surveillance complex is completely unable to trace Monero transactions. If any of the silly rumors about "cracking Monero" were true, this wouldn't have happened.
Kind of dork if you celebrate this.
Meanwhile Solanal doesn't produce any block and its price doesn't drop a penny lol This Solanal guys are dumb as fuck
Binance is the larges cryto exchange...but jus temporary... I tihnk, after demission of CZ, Binance becomed a governamental exchange...a lot of criterias, a lot of excuses and a lot of restrictions... Or maybe this was the cause of CZ's demission?
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @OT 6 Feb
Wonder what Binance will do with their XMR
The price for privacy makes you poorer it seems