I have some deep sleep issues.
My neighbors must think I’m crazy but I have two giant windows covered in black electrical tape. Every cm.
Light still manages to peak through so I got a blackout tent. It’s super pitch black in the tent.
Also wear a sleep mask and wrap leggings around my mask and forehead bc apparently, the forehead can sense light which wakes the body up?
Humidifier runs for 4 hours then shuts off automatically.
Magnesium and zink is super helpful.
I never had sleep problems as a kid, or in college. Don’t know what went wrong. I need to be super rigid about my sleep routine and preferences or I feel like crap all day.
Perhaps you could compare your situation to mine and see that all you need to do is sleep early in order to feel good. 🤷‍♂️
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Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing all that you need to do to sleep well.
I put away my phone last night. I should cherish the fact that I can drop dead anytime.
How long did it take for you to establish this system, with all bases covered?
Didn’t feel vulnerable in sharing. I was happy to talk about.
This routine is a just a mildly entertaining quirk of mine that people sometimes get a kick out of.
Routine took years of small changes, experimentation and realizing what was and wasn’t effective.
I feel rested maybe around 70 percent of the time these days by limiting blue light at night, caffeine etc. The 30 percent crap days.
I do envy the old days when I could just sleep without much thought but I guess I tried to adapt.