@Public_N_M_E's Feel Good Friday post in the Music territory gave me the idea for this post.
In 1962, American singer-songwriter Sam Cooke (legend), released a song called Having a Party. If you are unfamiliar with the track, listen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-5zlj49ugk
Although I was familiar with this song, I had long forgotten about it until recently when I heard it on the radio while driving. While listening I made a mental note that Having a party can easily be heard as Halving a party if you try hard enough and it got me wondering if Stackers were planning to do anything for the Halving.
I know it is uncertain when exactly block 840,000 will be upon us but wondering if anyone has any interesting plans and if not shall we all try to be on SN for somewhat of an informal Halving party and cap it off with a zapathon?