Good Morning,
Today is Friday or Freya's Day. If you were French you would call it Vendredi which is Venus Day. With regards to the desert astrotheological traditions and specifically Islam, Friday is the day of prayer. If you look at the symbol for Islam Venus and the Moon are there. Below is the Ottoman Flag. Within the flag you see the Moon and a star. The star is the planet Venus.
Now back to Freya or Freyja. She is Odin's daughter. As with many Norse or Germanic myths after World War II most of the modern information about these myths has been "white washed". You can still find information about her is you dig deep. As with most occult information the truth is obvious but is hidden.
Here is a great example of hidden connections: . Yep, Lucifer is also the "light-bearer" aka Venus.
This whole Venus / Freya thing is a giant rabbit hole. The most important thing to understand about Freya and Venus is that the FEMININE side of man used to be respected and it in the last 20th and 21st century has been erased. This erasure goes back a long way. But the feminine is here in symbols.
The "Star of David" is not the Star of David. It is a very ancient symbol found in Egypt, India, South America and North America as well is Israel, Iran, Iraq, Ireland (do you see the pattern?). Many times it is found adjacent to the swastika, even in Israel.
Above is the "Heart Chakra". Chakra means "wheel". In the yogic tradition of India and surrounding areas the heart Chakra is in the middle of the body. The two triangles represent masculine and feminine. The one pointed up is masculine. The one pointed down is feminine. Together they are the union of the masculine sun and the feminine moon. They are Yin and Yang. They are also the seal of the Temple of Solomon. Solomon means (Sol -o-Mon) Solomon means Sol (Sun, aka Solar) and (Mon, aka Moon). Solomon is the union of the Sun and Moon, masculine and feminine. This is why the Kabbalistic symbol has been used all over the world and appropriated by a certain government.
This is not meant to rattle any cages. Instead it is meant to allow us to take the time to observe signs and symbols without words and to take the time to reflect inwardly on why we are here.
We are here to do push-ups!
I've got 25 down out of 100 so far.
Have a great day. Go do some research into the names, places and words we use. You will soon see that the divine is all around us and we are also reflections of this divine. Plow through your Bible, Quran, Torah, Bhagavad-Gita, Upanishads, Dhammapada and look at what may be hidden. The preachers are salesman and saleswomen mostly influenced by their god, Money (Mon = one + Ey = Eye). More specifically their god is Fiat Money. Flip over the one Dollar Bill. There is the masculine triangle with one eye on top. Green color is used to appropriate the heart chakra. Look at the visible color scale. Green is in the middle.
Role Call:
Anyone else?
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These posts are getting ever more elaborate. Talk about taking the ball and running with it.
Day 6 of 100 pushups until 100k down. Undetermined to go. Day 2 of 100 squats until 100k down. Undetermined to go.
Feeling great.
I like to dig deep. We stand on the shoulders of giants. We all have a past and we all have a future. We also have today to train our bodies and minds.
10 sats \ 5 replies \ @2d 2 Feb
I like where these are heading, doing an extra 50 today cause you got me reading about Vikings now
The Viking stuff is very interesting. They traded with everyone.
10 sats \ 3 replies \ @2d 2 Feb
I feel like I’m on the tipping point of a Viking history / Norse mythology rabbit hole and I’m not sure I want to stop it
All of the civilizations around the planet have some similar stories, words, ideas and astrological concepts.
There are allegories, myths, witnessed stories and also occulted knowledge.
If you focus on one aspect like the Vikings and dig into the Etymology of native words, then that is when the epiphanies start, next comes the symbols, these were even before oral traditions.
One example of a recent book I read on the signs and symbols of man put out by an early 20th century Freemason.
This author with another Freemason went to Africa and met a Pigmie tribe. He drew in the dirt some symbols and showed Masonic have gestures. The Pygmies knew the symbols and introduced the Masons to the chief!
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @2d 3 Feb
Thanks for sharing, bookmarked that one. Pretty fascinating - you can write off some similarities but eventually you have to start thinking there’s more to it.
It is fascinating. There is always bias but without various sources one cannot make up one's own mind with data, observation, intuition and experience.
It's like any prejudice, it works until you meet that one extraordinary person who beyond any of the stereotypes has qualities that you wish you had. Fortunately the great qualities are cultivated and most certainly are available with the right amount of work. In some cases the initiation is available, too.
You, yourself, are beyond any stereotypes. Your human life is a gift and is not to be disregarded. The psy-op from Hollywood, News and pop culture want to emphasize how much of a victim you are. They want to emphasize that your parents sucked. You dad was a shithead. Your mom, no good. But pop culture tells you that the state is here, and if you work hard supporting the state you, too will get a free phone! Or they tell you to escape into hedonism because you only live once ( and you will be harvested accordingly).
The state is making slaves. They are making a slave culture. Big pharma, Federal education, diversity, inclusion and equity are all about accepting the priest class, the warrior class, the merchants, laborers and finally untouchables. In India it's called the "Varna" which means color.
Civilization always creates these classes. Humans always end up joining the ranks of servitude. The controllers have thousands of years under their belts, blood lines and occulted practices. But! We also, all of us, have inherited millions of years of humanity, too.
This is why the Buddhist tradition is known as the "Noble Truth" Ariya Satva. The truth isn't just blood, as all humans have this blood, but it is the practices, work ethic, adventure seeking, free marketing, sailing, horse riding, farming, meditation, astrological observing, physical conditioning and Trivium learning that makes a man, Noble.
Once again, we face the truth that we inherited struggle but in order to overcome struggle we do the work. Proof of work as the Bitcoin pleb would say. If you are capable of sorting out things, seeing what is good and what is not good, you are capable of sorting out your self from the mess also. This is where the ego is healthy. The ego makes sure the right body gets fed, not just anybody.
Eventually the ego upon cultivation becomes a powerful unit and then, organized, expands to see humanity and life itself as a reflection. As above, so below. As it is inside, so it will be outside.
40-40-20 yesterday.
40 down today for now.
40, wow! That's badass.
It's the number that I feel comfortable doing in a set without tiring myself out. I think a short while back when my son asked how many push ups I can do in a row, and I tried it, the number was in the low 70s. I think I will start doing maxi Sundays, beginning this week. Going to do the max number of reps every Sunday to see if I improved and how much I improved from doing this 100 till 100k challenge.
Looking forward to your report and sitrep.
I did realize this morning that mentally I need to change up the number to avoid false mental limits. So maybe since 33 is the magic number I'll get to 33+33+33+1
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @9 2 Feb
50 down 50 to go!
I'm glad the challenge isn't all at once. You can only eat an elephant one bite at a time.
Mentally I want to tell myself I need to rest a day between but I build peers so I have to physically hammer, hold 30 foot piles while a machine squishes them in the mud, I have to demolition old peers and sometimes I have to swim.
This challenge just gives me a little extra to focus on.
In Army schools we would take a lot of classes. If you got sleepy the suggestion was to do pushups so men and women soldiers would sometimes break out and beat their face. Good times!
When I'm doing office work I do the same now just to get the motor running.
Pushups are the future!
20 down
Nice, I just knocked out 25 more so I got 50 to go. I'm really pushing and my mind wants to curl up and have my pacifier.
But we can do this, Brutus!
Mission Accomplished!
See everyone tomorrow. Eat right, drink water, rest and stack sats.