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Do you buy used books?
57 votes \ poll ended
Amazon marketplace used to be brilliant for this, could pick up classics for barely more than the cost of postage. Not sure if Amazon seller terms have changed or the used book market is different but I see even used copies going for a lot more these days.
So I just keep and eye out in thrift stores and library sales
My wife has grown to hate library sales more than she hates the dreaded dip. She's a big bitcoiner but still can't stand the stress of me salivating over a good dip. Library sales though...probably one of the largest (mostly playful) conflicts in our marriage.
I already posted this photo on another thread, but it's important to realize that folks who don't buy used books miss out on this type of material...
I'm a pirate. libgen.
Have bought used books in past. Would buy new ones only if am desperate to have a physical copy. Ones which I reread multiple times.
In some communities & places I have been to recently, they have a book box where you can take a book (no purchase necessary) - but you must replace it with another. Not sure how commonplace that is elsewhere but it can make for some unexpected reads from time to time.
We have this in the UK, mostly in repurposed red telephone boxes. Has taken off more than "book crossing" (leaving books in public places)
They're all over the place in my city. I used them when I was a kid but don't much anymore. Maybe I should
This is happening in my neighborhood. Someone just installed a box full of used books and people are sharing.
In Singapore, we have book exchange corners outside public libraries and community centres, in which people can just take pre loved books without replacing them.
That’s mainly how I get my books haha
Majority of my books (and I have a lot) was bought used. This, because the really great books aren't available in "new version"...it exist great actual books also, but the "old classicals not... I'm on continuous guest of antiquarian's :)
For exemple, I bought this series (21 volume) with 450 RON (romanian money), it is around $100. It was cheap at all, and it is in a very good condition. Was bought from an individual seller from Facebook, not from antiquarian (antiquarians ask for this series at least $500)
You going to read those?
Years ago I used to buy from Alibris and ABE books. I haven't visited either site in years, so I don't know if they even exist anymore, or what they're selling. There is a great independent book store about a half hour drive from me with a large used books section. It's an endangered species. I don't see used book stores around anymore.
Unless it is a recent book (published in the last couple of months), I always try to find a used book before buying new.
Not always possible, but when I'm able to find, it feels good.
Yes, because some books I like aren't being even printed anymore and they are not available in digital format either. One example The Warrior Within: Accessing the Knight in the Male Psyche by Moore & Gillette (also Magician and Lover books of that series).
There are also other books in Finnish that are published in 90's or early 2000's and they are not available digitally.
Summa summarum, usually these older niche books that aren't just available in any other way.
Otherwise I would prefer digital content.
I almost always buy used books for myself but if I gift a book it will be new.
Yes, they are cheaper and bring out that great smell of use
What kind of self-limiting madness would compel somebody to not buy a used book? :) Charity shops are often absolute gold mines.
It's fun to see the cards, notes and other markings included in used books. Happy to support the resale market as well.
I like old editions for some books, so I've found some interesting pieces. This is quite common in some European cities as far as I know.
And also i give some to NGO and Library
Make you you get all the pages and depends on the content.
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