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Building off of @kepford ‘s post about talking to fellow Christians about bitcoin…
Is there a list anywhere of recommendations for Christian bitcoiners? Books, podcasts, videos, etc.?
I would love to see a resource dedicated to highlighting Christians in bitcoin and bringing more Christians to save in bitcoin.
not necessarily related to BTC though
Check out this guy. I'm not sure if he is Christian or not. He says shipcoin rather than shitcoin. Maybe he just isn't keen on swearing. He has a very dry, sarcastic, dead pan way, which can be amusing at times.
Love Matthew Kratter! Definitely one of the greatest bitcoin educators.
Yes and he makes a point of saying it's a family friendly channel
Why would religion matter if you are using logic and reasoning?
This is like saying “why would language matter if you’re using logic and reasoning.” Just as an English-speaking person will likely be more effective with English-speaking people, a Christian will likely be more effective with Christians. Culture, worldview, jargon, language and belief systems all matter.
Yeah, not sure on this one, despite what OP says below. Money is money. The only "Christian" semi issue might be persecution, and most Christians aren't really dealing with that at a heavy level at this juncture.