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If you drink coffee every day and one day you can't, do you get a headache?
I only drink one cup in the morning, but if I wake up late and I can't drink it, I'll have a bad day for sure.
How many cups do you drink? Do you feel more grumpy if you don't have coffee?
Yes but it's pretty much my only remaining vice. Don't drink or snack or smoke etc. If I lost coffee it would be bleak. I do think if you're going to have one vice coffee's probably one of the most benign.
I don't get headaches when I don't drink coffee, but my morning seems to drag. It's an important morning ritual for me. I have become somewhat of a coffee snob/afficcionado. I only buy whole beans which I am particular about, grind it myself, and currently using a Bialetti Moka for brewing.
It’s an Italian brand, right? I have this in my house too!
Yes. Sure is.
I gave up coffee 12 years ago. The only coffee I have now is in cake or chocolate 😂
I gave it up because I'm one of those people who is super sensitive to caffeine. I stuck to tea from there on for a few years. tbf I was more of tea drinker but I have since all but given up caffeinated tea as well, as I found it making me jittery. It was a little tough as I realised how much I was I relying on it to keep me going. I used to get a real low dip in the afternoon where I had very low energy. So I had to learn how to get decent sleep and eat correctly for energy - without replacing it with sugar!!
The coffee was super easy to give up. I only had about one cup of coffee per day as any more than that would give me headache. The tea less so! I guess I could have been addicted or at least definitely reliant on the caffeine in the tea.
Now I make my own herbal tea blends (using the dried herbs) and if I want something similar to the traditional black tea I drink rooibos, which is caffeine-free.
I was drinking so much during the day that it didn't give me the rush / lift anymore. The company I worked for got a fancy-dan Swiss coffee machine that ground the beans and had the swoooooosh wooooorrrrrgggh thing for frothing your milk. It was all free and was becoming a little bit of habit. I then started getting the headaches and my breath was minging. My wife was repulsed by it 🤢. So I stopped and went back to tea and have now moved on to decaf Teas and maybe the odd Chai. I started to see this huge shift in the way coffee was being treated in society. It was becoming a fashion statement and to some, almost a religion. People were desperate for their moccachino americana docuble choc espresso latte's and paying a small fortune for them. You could easily spot them pretentiously swaning around with these tall paper cups with plastic lids of coffee looking all lardy dar and schmoozing over their favourite blend, thinking they're the height of fashion when what they had become was a coffee W⚓
Haha that's funny ☕ W⚓ 🤣🤣
I was completely clean for 6 months. Now it's four again. But I'll change to coffeen-free tomorrow now that I realized it
Haha this reminds me of my in-laws who say they only have one glass of wine per day with their lunch. But that glass is a huge vat, fits almost half the bottle in it 🍷😂
I switched to mate last year 🧉. Find it makes me way more productive. With fewer ups and downs, more consistent.
Although still try to keep a pattern of 3 days on 1 day off, to prevent any dependency.
I was very tempted to give mate a try but didn't want to go back down the caffeine route again.
I'm not addicted (I think), but I drink coffee a lot of coffee... 3-4 (even 5) cups a day...
The morning start for me with a glass of water, and a cup of coffee :) I have no headache or migraine if I don't drink coffee, but to be honest...I like to drink, and in this time (around 10-15 minutes) I check my daily "to do list" :)
In 2021 I started to drink just and only presso coffee (espresso), I drank before many types , like instant coffee, filter coffee, turkish coffe, presso, etc...
I drink just small / short coffe (around 25-30 ml / cup), and without anything (sugar and milk)... My vision about coffe is, that the good cooffee is which you drink in 10 minutes, but you can feel it in your mouth for an hour.
It's if/when you stopped drinking it you would find out whether you have an addiction - or a dependency. Do you think there's a difference between an addiction or a dependency? Is it basically the same? I like to think there is, so I don't have to face up to that I might have been addicted to caffeine 🙈😂 Perhaps I'm just kidding myself.
I'm sure the addiction and the dependence is not the same. I stopped to drink coffee for around 6 months in 2021 (when I restarted, I started to drink just espresso), but I did not feel secondary effects. So...in my opinion the addiction is when you like / love something, and the dependence is when you can't live without this thing :)
I was but not anymore, coffee is not necessary at all I don't understand why I was drinking it everyday. People drink coffee to stay awake but coffee cannot replace sleep nor can it solve your problems. The solution is more sleep, water and eat healthy
I have to agree
I overindulged in coffee last year. After a recent health issue, I've decided to give it up completely and sleep more instead. (This was my New Year's resolution)
Why not publishing it in ~food_and_drinks?
I gave it up almost when I first had the taste of herbal tea. I was at one of my relatives and they served me that herbal tea. It had water, a little sugar, lemon grass, ginger, black pepper, two green leaves of night flowering jasmine. I can bet, you will forget coffee and regular tea if you just sip it once.
I agree. Love making my own herbal teas 🍵🫖☕
No, I'm not. I like coffee, but I don't drink it every day. Often I prefer tea or even orange juice at the mornings.
These are mine...
Yes, I have 2, because... 1 for Monday - Friday (the black one) cause I have not much time to prepare, and to wait for coffee...and here I need just to press the button :) And the second one for Saturday - Sunday... I have time, and I prepare...and enjoy a really good and hard coffee :)
Yes, I drink a pot a day but the caffeine was too much for my heart so now it’s still a pot but only one scoop of caffeine!
I usually drink about three espressos in the morning and maybe three or four more the rest of the day. When I was young (under 30) I would feel horrible if I missed coffee for a morning and get headaches, but now I don’t. I also don’t stay awake if I drink it at night. I think I’ve blown out my caffeine receptors. But I love coffee. Heh
A man is not a man unless they drink at least six cups of coffee a day and smokes two packs of cigarettes
That man will die sooner....
don’t seem to get headaches but am almost certainly addicted. Espresso is always a going to be a yes from me, in any setting
Drink way more than I’ll admit (like lethal caffeine dosages) but don’t really notice any mood impacts
Side note but noticing caffeine getting bumped up or added to everything lately. Standard for workout supplements used to be 100-200mg and I recently saw some with 400mg!
Likely the caffeine though I could be wrong. I've been there. I drastically reduced caffeine intact and cut out all coffee for almost a year. I drink from time to time now without issue. If you cut out coffee or caffeine in a few weeks the headaches should cease.
Another option is to get real chocolate and eat a small bit of that to reduce the headache. I've found that can help with headaches that aren't too bad.
Used to drink multiple cups a day but now just one in the morning. Occasionally I will have a second one if the afternoon or evening if I had to drive to the city on my drive back. I live to enjoy a cup of coffee on a long drive.
Yes, at the moment I have 2-3 cups a day.
It becomes a bit of a cycle. I'll stop drinking for a few weeks (headaches/bad mood), then I'll have one for a while then 2 etc.
When I drank coffee I liked to add milk and sugar and some other topping there, in the end taste of coffee disappear at all and I had coffee cocktail. I didn't like taste of coffee, so I'm more hit chocolate guy
never tried it, so i guess that’s a no from me dawg
Never got into drinking caffeine. and not sure whether that’s a good thing or if I’m missing out..
I love the smell and taste though despite never having any😂
If you drink coffee every day and one day you can't, do you get a headache?
I don't know. Maybe I need to find out. I used to have a job that was the most repetitive job (mentally) and coffee just began as a means to an end. Later, I've found it's more an enjoyable thing. But probably I overindulge and need to detox.
Probably around four or five. I wouldn't say grumpy but definitely susceptible to irritability if I've got things I want to focus on and get on with. It's always more appreciable after a long wait.
Something I want to get into more is different coffee styles. I like Vietnamese.
Yes and yes.
I have about 4 cups per day.
Some times i do try to ease out of it but i like the ritual of having a steaming cup of coffee in front of me.
Yes. Same. 3-5. Yes.
I drink it only for the taste. two dopios per day
Yes! I need my morning cup of coffee to just start the day on the right note, an afternoon cup of coffee to get through the hectic day of lessons and meetings. I used to have two cups of coffee, but recently I realise that I need the third cup in the evening. In fact I’m drinking one now before I have to pick my boy up from the childcare centre and start my second job lol
one day you can't, do you get a headache?
no, I'm fine without it, but then I like to brew some coffee to wait for @saloon open each day. 😂
I used to have coffee with milk in the morning, 1 expresso at lunch and ocassionaly if i went out for dinner another expresso. If I didn't had coffee I would have a headache, but since this new year I've been cutting, and now at most I drink the coffee + milk in the morning only.
I only have 1 cup of black coffee a day rest of the time its water, some days I can live without it but other days man life would be a drag and I doubt id be fun to deal with if I didn't have it
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