Hey guys... A question... I was thinking about it, how I can figure out who zapped on my posts and / or comments...because that would be fair from my side to "re-zap" them. Maybe it is possible to check somewhere in SN site? Or just admins / territory owners have this "privilege"? Thanks for replies!
I was thinking about it, how I can figure out who zapped on my posts and / or comments...because that would be fair from my side to "re-zap" them.
Hmm, but I think it's about making the cake bigger = more fun, not just returning the cakes ( favor ). 🤔
however, there are some little hacks you can tell tho if you are paying attention, like some stackers have their own unique zapping codes e.g., @Undisciplined you can even read about the zapping meanings if you are paying more attention:)
No one has this privilege, it's considered sensitive and thus private information.1
We might have opt-in attached messages at some point though. Then revealing sender identity might also be opt-in.


  1. For reasons, they aren't encrypted in the database though, so the SN team could look up who zapped who. ↩