seriously now I love going to friends' home, especially when the mums are around 😂 which means many yummy mommy food, and seeing beautiful houses:)
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 28 Jan
I love going to friends' home, especially when the mums are around 😂
So you are not necessarily visiting your friends but your friends' mums? :)
When I visit a friend, I always joke that I am not visiting him but his pets. I am not entirely sure but I think they like me, too :)
which means many yummy mommy food.
I was only able to appreciate that a few years when I moved out. Now this is the best part about going home lol
So you are not necessarily visiting your friends but your friends' mums? :)
let's say both! 😆 but I do like to hangout with their mums too:)
I was only able to appreciate that a few years when I moved out. Now this is the best part about going home lol
that's why I am working on my cooking skills, can't always depend on others for good food!