Several years ago, in my 20's years it was my priciple to trust everyone (especially in peoples) until won't prove otherwise. This was functional some years, but I finally had to admit it that is not a very good "strategy", because I was disappointed many times (sometimes by peoples in whom I believed the most). After this period, I changed my philosophy, and started to use your strategy (false until the opposite is proven), but using this "model" I missed a lot of opportunities in my life (between which the Bitcoin in extremely early phase - 2010-2011). And finally...some years ago I started to "mix" these 2 visions, looking carefully between possibilities / informations. I can tell you, it is much more OK my life than before (of course, it is just my personal opinion and experience).
I think the essence is to be attentive and very careful.
It's like we're twins.
When I was younger, I had exactly the approach. If I didn't already have conflicting information, I would trust what people said. Now I consider the reliability and incentives of the messenger pretty heavily.
With age, I've become much more comfortable saying "That's what I've heard, but I really don't know."