They're not dem voters since they can't vote at all.
As of legal immigration e.g. cubans, many asians etc have big conservative-leaning demographics as well
They're not dem voters since they can't vote at all.
Presenting an ID to vote isn't 100%
505 sats \ 0 replies \ @gmd 26 Jan
I’m in the Philippines right now, filipinos would be great citizens if we wanted legal immigration. Super hard working, in love with US/western culture, English speaking.
It’s insane that we just let a free for all.
101 sats \ 4 replies \ @kr OP 25 Jan
They're not dem voters since they can't vote at all.
ahh good point. but then that raises another question…
if democrats aren’t welcoming more immigrants to grow their base of voters, what is their motivation for fighting Texas on the control of their border?
if democrats aren’t welcoming more immigrants to grow their base of voters, what is their motivation for fighting Texas on the control of their border?
That's pretty obvious, isn't it?
That's their opinion. Simple as that. They think it's the right thing to do. And for the politicians it appeals to their base. At least their base shares this opinion/conviction/these values and virtues.
why now though?
why wasn’t this happening under obama or clinton?
The motives are not humanitarian
woke stupidity? same thing happened in europe didnt?