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The magic's in the title, fellow Stackies...
What's a technology or possibility that's very likely to come to fruition in the coming decade or two, and will usher-in a new (or true) golden age?!
I'm particularly interested in human biology, our genes and CRISPR/Cas9, as well as possible technological "upgrades" to our bodies, which might allow us to inch closer towards "immortality" - in the sense of not dying because of cells that stop renewing themselves.
While we're here already; any solid sources on the above?
Lets get typing, people.
Life-like sex robots? Hey, don't shoot the messenger.
I think that's already quite a thing
I don’t see how they make sex robotics attractive enough in the physical realm. Im guessing VR headset plus robot is the way to go to allow infinite variety.
I guess I'm out of the loop.
the porn industry is one of the quickest to adopt new technologies
Imagine your surprise when the grey goo comes at you and starts sexy time.
I'm starting to regret my reply.
Siggy we’re supposed to be talking golden ages here 😭 different strokes for different folks I guess!!
I am a cynical bastard.
No, you're our cynical bastard! 😭
i see what you did there
I thought about crossing a line there, not today, siggy-wiggy!
Okay let's cross it together, shall we?
They're called Females.
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I'm the complete opposite! haha Although, I am also super interested in human biology. I believe we have to get back to our natural way of being to survive as a species. There are some that say most people on the planet have all they need to keep them healthy within a few miles of their homes and I'm talking stuff that comes out of the ground - not supermarkets, shops, pharmacy, doctors, science labs etc.
People won't be returning to our "natural" way of life, because we simply don't know how the fuck we would go about surviving without electricity.
I'm not talking about going back to the dark ages! lol. Nobody has to survive without electricity, it's very easily generated.
Than what are you envisioning?
Cause I'd like a more "natural" society, too, but imo that would start with communities of max. 150 people.
Our bodies have the power to heal themselves naturally when given the right conditions, nutrition, grounding, sunlight amongst other things, plus eliminating the toxins and other factors that are damaging us. Our bodies actually want to heal themselves, we just keep sabotaging them with what we do and/or don't do everyday. I'm not against scientific help, though, that can be helpful at times. I'm just speaking generally.
As far as communities go. For me, that's a tough one. I would like to do more research on that. It seems to me like humans can't help but form communities but inevitably end up falling out. Ego, power, jealously seems to get in the way. Have you done much research into communities yourself? Why do you come to the number of 150?
Have you done much research into communities yourself? Kinda.
Have a look at the summary I posted today, it's a work in progress, but it also goes into that topic.
For the above to be possible, we would have to step away and eliminate all existing toxins from our environment, which is nigh-impossible I think.
I'm particularly interested in human biology, our genes and CRISPR/Cas9, as well as possible technological "upgrades" to our bodies, which might allow us to inch closer towards "immortality" - in the sense of not dying because of cells that stop renewing themselves.
I'm decidedly not bullish on CRISPR's prospects for humanity. I think a future like GATTACA is more likely than some golden age of humanity.
I would say something related to unlimited clean energy, like if we could harness the sun's power via a dyson sphere, but obviously we're not close to that... and given human nature we're probably gonna screw that up too and use it for all sorts of bad things.
Ultimately it's going to be renewed morality that ushers in a new golden age rather than new technology. That's my belief, anyway.
Not bullish on CRISPR? Why?! I think it could open-up some pretty important and interesting opportunities.
Could you expand on GATTACA? Is it a goal or an abbreviation?
A Dyson sphere would classify us as a type 1. Civilization, which is still far far out of our reach.
How would that morality be renewed, and why would it not be compromised?
Gattaca was a dystopian movie about genetic discrimination. In the future, rich people could afford designer babies, natural non-modified people were looked down upon, and the genetically imperfect were segregated and relegated to menial jobs
Hmm, could very well be the outcome for us, too.
I'm simply relying on the moral debates keeping such a possibility at bay, though.
Taking the prompt literally, asteroid mining. There's so much gold up there and gold is incredibly useful for a ton of applications.
But go on, how would be go about that, and what's being done in that regard?
Many of the richest people in the world are already working on asteroid mining projects. There are different approaches being considered:
  • Wait for a relatively near approach and try to mine whatever minerals happen to be present.
  • Identify a particularly suitable asteroid and send robot miners out to it.
  • Try to nudge a mineral rich asteroid into Earth orbit and then send the robot miners up.
...That, and it would absolutely tank Gold's price into the ground, establishing Bitcoin as the #1 SoV.
Partially correct. It's very resource intensive to go get it, so they're not going to mine so much that it's not worth having mined it.
I actually see bitcoin displacing gold as the premiere SoV as doing the same thing as asteroid mining. The monetary premium fades away and a bunch of this really cool material gets freed up for industrial and artistic use.
Let's aim for $Silver's MCap in the meantime, shall we.
The wheel weaves as the wheel will.
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It is fun to think about, but I think it will pretty much just be robots up there.
I think the synergy between all these new things happening like quantum technology, generative AI, treating death as an illness, etc.
I think someone in the world alive today will be the last person to die from natural causes.
Oehh, yeah! I like the vibe you're setting, go on!
I think you might like to listen to David Sinclair.
A few months ago they made a great breakthrough:
Yeah, gimme more of that stuff. Get those fingers going!
I'm not really sure how I feel about being called a "stackie".....
It's hip and catchy. But it's also giving me some strong Carlton vibes.
If it makes you sleep more tight at night, you can be my little Crackie, too. 🤫🤭
Explain me the Carlton-vibes though, I'm not in the know about that...
🤣🤣🤣, as awesome as fitting.
nuclear fusion
Go on.
i’m not sure anyone (here or elsewhere) has a good grasp on what technology is “very likely” to succeed in the next decade or two.
personally, it’s hard enough for me to try and predict whether Apple’s current vision pro headset will succeed… and that’s not even considering what kinds of effects it will have on humanity as a whole if it does succeed.
Apple has always been a trend setter.
Smart watches were a thing for a long time but it was only when Apple did it when they became mainstream.
Same with the smartphone of course.
And I think this is the time for mixed reality (VR/AR). They will make this mainstream where others like Google have failed.
The thing is that I don't think it will be as popular as the phones. I think it will match the watches popularity.
That's not really nice of you to say, kr-kr, you're inadvertently calling us technical imbeciles.
I'll forgive you if you take another shot, though. 🤫🥰
hah not my intention… i’m just really skeptical that anyone has that kind of predictive power.
regardless, i’ll take my best guess at your original question and say zoning regulations and electric vehicles.
i think there are studies showing people are happier when they live within a 5 minute walk of their friends, and electric vehicles (scooters, bikes, boards, etc…) might be able to re-shape cities to have higher density, more connection, lower noise, lower stress, and lower costs.
the impact of all of that might be enough to meaningfully change expected lifespans of entire communities.
You're currently living through it.
The internet, mobile devices, computers with actually nice UI, endless amouts of entertainment with high quality ... it's all just 10-20 years old.
One day you'll be 90 years old and think back to today and how it all was an exciting new adventure. Maybe you're not seeing it now. But you will when you'll be 90yo.
It really is crazy how exponentially fast it went, true.
Imo, there will be no great breakthroughs unless we can take away the theft of resources from the population by the ruling parasites. Until then it will be a perpetual cycle of boom and bust and hopefully it never totally destroys humanity. Bitcoin has moved us toward taking the ability to rob the population via money printing. But, I think much more needs to be done before they can stop destroying human progress.
... Such as killing the parasites?
I don't think that is feasible and runs down very dangerous paths with unpredictable outcomes. Ideally, create mechanisms via technology that makes it impossible or against their interests to engage in their parasitism.
1000 year aging
next 10 years tech give u 100 year additional bonus next 100 years tech give u 1000 year additional bonus next 1000 years tech give u 10000 year additional bonus So on till immortality
Fine, and how do you come to this certainty?
Hostile extraterrestrial alien invasion.
Expand on that.
Humans are tribal on a surface level - color, language, affiliation etc. With a hostile external enemy it will force humanity to work as a collective to make strides in technology and innovation. Internet came from DoD/DARPA. Nukes came from DoD. Space flight came from NASA - all in time of WAR. The Tribe is Humanity. Period. Until we work together we will spiral into war and stupidity. Like we have since the first ape slew another for access to females and food. We are BETTER than this.
It exist a "technology" developed by Hungarians from 2015-2023, that allow parents - who want to have children(s) - to opt about they children tendency about disease / sickness. In other words parents can ask that their child to avoid several serious disease.
This is a genetical implementation, tested for 8 years in laboratory, and it is planned to be implement in practice this year.
I think - if this technology will be applied successfully - will be a real progress for a "new golden age of humanity". If succesful, it is inevitable for inventors to be awarded with Nobel
... Care to tell some more about it?
Mining bitcoins with a dyson sphere
The singularity. Humans are useless in space. And therefore, we are doomed. Computers do not require oxygen nor food/water and toilets. We are just a bridge to a new form of intelligence that will vastly eclipse our own. We are clearing the way for superhuman AI that will conquer space and spread across the galaxy.
Being able to send your consciousness to a faraway place and feel everything that is going on as if you were present physically.
Already exists. Its called DMT
Oh yeah, I've been contemplating on signing up for a DMT-session for a while now, but the chicken wing I am has mucho respect for that stuff.
Tell us something about it, come on, share something.
its like bitcoin.. nothing in the world is real anymore.
Bitcoin and DMT (and any other psychedelics) is more real
Neural Link type tech and AI will revolutionize medicine after it revolutionizes war.
I think stupidly cheap, nearly free energy, is much closer than most anticipate.
And what would this enable us to do exactly?
What would stupidly cheap energy enable us to do? It would enable us to to prosper. Think of anything that requires energy to perform and think of that with little to no energy cost.
Yeah no shit, but what would we be directing this newfound wealth of energy into specifically? What technologies would make us proper?
The ultimate technology is AGI and ASI. Making humans obsolete, if they decide so. They, the next step in intelligence evolution.