pull down to refresh

For the devs out there, this is a breakdown of lnd's codebase -- 300k lines of Go 0_0:
 Language            Files        Lines         Code     Comments       Blanks
 Dockerfile              7          293          153           81           59  
 Go                   1254       487919       324756        93382        69781
 JSON                   20        15424        15422            0            2   
 Makefile                4          570          392           69          109 
 Protocol Buffers       16         8300         6063          752         1485
 Ruby                    1           12            9            1            2   
 Shell                  18         1303          829          246          228 
 Plain Text              2          325            0          325            0   
 YAML                   18          566          516           25           25  
 Markdown               52         7761            0         5972         1789
 |- BASH                 3           24           16            4            4   
 |- Go                   3          183          133           34           16  
 |- Java                 1           72           61            0           11  
 |- JavaScript           2          204          160           35            9   
 |- Python               1           76           45           18           13  
 |- Ruby                 1           75           52            8           15  
 |- Shell               37         1103         1008           42           53  
 |- XML                  2           66           66            0            0   
 (Total)                           9564         1541         6113         1910
 Total                1392       522473       348140       100853        73480