pull down to refresh

New pathfinding variable to give more control over time and cost tradeoff
I always love features like that. Yes, give users more power.
Imagine, you are in a situation where internet is to break up and things gotta be fast. Or there is a DDoS and you don't care if you order something right now or it goes through a little later.
This is underrated.
fascinating idea, do any other implementations support something similar?
Is it fair to compare this ability to make fee/speed trade-offs to Bitcoin’s mempool where you can pay more to get your transaction approved faster?
do any other implementations support something similar
Not that I'm aware of. But someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Is it fair to compare this ability to make fee/speed trade-offs to Bitcoin’s mempool where you can pay more to get your transaction approved faster?
Partly yes. But for Onchain the upper speed limit is waiting for a block to be mined. This can take time depending on luck and there is no chance to influence it. Even worse if you want the security of 3 or 6 blocks on top of it.
got it, thanks!
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Two days in a row!
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For the devs out there, this is a breakdown of lnd's codebase -- 300k lines of Go 0_0:
 Language            Files        Lines         Code     Comments       Blanks
 Dockerfile              7          293          153           81           59  
 Go                   1254       487919       324756        93382        69781
 JSON                   20        15424        15422            0            2   
 Makefile                4          570          392           69          109 
 Protocol Buffers       16         8300         6063          752         1485
 Ruby                    1           12            9            1            2   
 Shell                  18         1303          829          246          228 
 Plain Text              2          325            0          325            0   
 YAML                   18          566          516           25           25  
 Markdown               52         7761            0         5972         1789
 |- BASH                 3           24           16            4            4   
 |- Go                   3          183          133           34           16  
 |- Java                 1           72           61            0           11  
 |- JavaScript           2          204          160           35            9   
 |- Python               1           76           45           18           13  
 |- Ruby                 1           75           52            8           15  
 |- Shell               37         1103         1008           42           53  
 |- XML                  2           66           66            0            0   
 (Total)                           9564         1541         6113         1910
 Total                1392       522473       348140       100853        73480
Headline features: taproot address support (I suppose for spending into funding txs?) and 95% reduction in DB space usage.
One thing i wonder is how a 95% database reduction compares to the current state for those running other implementations?
Said differently, how much larger were LND databases than Core LN or Eclair databases prior to this LND upgrade?
This is great
Kickass :)