Kanye, pre... Current Kanye was phenomenal, rap/hip-hop isn't really something I'm overly familiar with but tracks like "black skinhead" "stronger" and the like are lyrically fantastic. The dude was a master at his craft.
It's always funny when someone gets known for being a fan of a particular genre, and then shows to also have an affinity for a genre that some would say is the polar opposite.
Eg I pulled into car park at work the other day and my colleagues know i like the "screamy screamy scary music" as they call it. And what I was actually listening to at that point. "Bring him home" from Les Miserables 🤣.
Good music is good music.
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Which version of Bring him Home?
It was the Colm Wilkinson version. But I got a lot of time for Hugh Jackman's rendition as well. He did it very well.
Hugh did a great job and Colm is the legend but I gotta support my fellow Canadian.