A significant step forward came with the introduction of light clients, which allowed users to connect to the Bitcoin network without downloading the entire blockchain. This greatly reduced the storage and bandwidth requirements, making Bitcoin more accessible to individuals with limited computing resources.
At a significant cost
Sice 2020, Stacks indeed challenged the use of smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps) on Bitcoin. Like no others, it also doesn't alter the original Bitcoin blockchain but extends its functionality, enabling developers to innovate while leveraging Bitcoin's robust network.
STX is an actual scam. Odell explained it over on NOSTR: https://primal.net/e/note18nnp5rkvx2t6k48g6re78d8sac6wfwksyc4qxzlc8cz9m6a8djhsd8agw7
BitVM on the other hand, would have been a much better example.
Its a good enough write-up in spite of speaking positively of ETFs
An optimistic outlook is definitely warranted. I just would have put more focus into how things are shaping up into the future. With things like lnsymmetry aka eltoo were you can always replace an older LN state with a newer one meaning we won't need justice transactions or timeout trees, where inbound and outbound liquidity for a casual user is only a concern when there's a need for unilateral exit.
At a significant cost
Correct, everything has a cost! The value provided by it is invaluable for its users. We do learn, just need time
STX is an actual scam. Odell explained it over on NOSTR: https://primal.net/e/note18nnp5rkvx2t6k48g6re78d8sac6wfwksyc4qxzlc8cz9m6a8djhsd8agw7 BitVM on the other hand, would have been a much better example.
Thanks for mentioning BitVM, totally missed!
Interesting point you touch with lnsymmetry, not sure if I'm missing some reference... can you point me to the right material to look?
Whoohoo I get to spam links now!
"CTV(emulation) ended up being useful! It removed the necessity of round-trips from the payment protocol, allowing for 'fast forwards' that are extremely simple, and would likely reduce payment times if widely adopted."
Moonsettler previously was working on a CTV activation client, is now supporting LNHance which is 3 BIPs (CTV+CSFS+internal key) https://nitter.net/4moonsettler/status/1744073318406205802
"it won’t do everything APO can, and that’s on purpose. just the most important things that are highly desired."
much useful! also thanks for writing about it