I disagree with this view entirely. First, we need sidechain to scale Bitcoin. 7 UTXs per second will not cut it. If the tradeoff is a hot wallet for small transactions, that is acceptable. Keep your HODL account in cold storage, and shop with a hot wallet with some pocket change.
Secondly, LN is complex to get on board...today. That does NOT mean it will remain this way. Remember, Bitcoin and LN are protocols. The protocol must work securely. It is not the protocol's job to be "easy". That is UI/UX and app layer's job. Look at other protocols that run the Internet: DNS, SMTP, BGP, HTTPS - which one is "easy"? Did that stop the Internet from becoming what it is? Protocol complexity got pushed into the background and Granny doesn't know what it is or care, but she can browse the web and send email, which is much easier now than in the early days when you had to configure your SLIP/PPP connection and dial up to get online.
Bitcoin was not "easy" to acquire initially. But with exchanges, hot wallets, cold wallets, and even ETFs, Bitcoin can be acquired more easily than ever before. Yes. NYKNYC, I know. Getting back to LN, work remains to be done to secure the protocol, scale it, and apps will come that make it much easier to get started. And at some point, the protocols will fade into the background for plebs and we will see a QR code at your local cafe and granny will pull out her gadget & zap sats to buy her oatmilk skim latté blissfully unaware of all the protocols, including LN, enabling this to happen.