If we want BTC to Moon faster, we need to make visible Twitter users turn their laser eyes and other stupid profile pics to the plain simple Bitcoin Logo. It is round, it is perfect for Twitter profile pics.
If the regular folks of the world see the Bitcoin logo on many tweets, they will automatically buy into bitcoin. It is a very simple idea.
Is anyone interested in developing an app like sats4likes that can check if an account has over 300 followers and has this image set as the profile pic https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1540278880665505792/5_qBCOtN_400x400.jpg
Plebs can fund the faucet with small amounts and the bot will check every week all the member accounts' Twitter profile pics, if they have this logo as is, then they get 10 sats or something.
If we want BTC to Moon faster,
Wdym? Why would we want that? Bitcoin cannot moon, 1 Bitcoin is always 1/21million. https://bitcoinexactforecast.com/
If the regular folks of the world see the Bitcoin logo on many tweets, they will automatically buy into bitcoin.
I disagree. Adoption comes when people use the best money in the world. And they will use it when they have goods and services to buy with it. Adoption does not come from visibility or cult following.
I agree with you completely
optics matter, what is inevitable can be hastened too
i never participated in the laser eyes because of that. They are/were very bad optics to outsiders.
Also they are damn fiat mindset. I'm not saying this as copium now - I thought this before ATH, I thought this at ATH and I still think laser eyes are fiat mindset that has very bad optics to outsiders.
oh they were fine, a bit cringe, but what I'm proposing is a united campaign by 10s of 1000s of people which WILL make an impact. Once normies see the Bitcoin logo everywhere on Twitter, they will do what they should.
Nothing says "Here's a serious coin that is better than the government's" as clearly as a cross between the SHIBarmy and the BAYC profile pic campaign (except worse because at least the apes look different).
Those BAYC and Shib icon profile pics all look like shills. 1000s of people on Twitter with the cool orange Bitcoin logo will produce a completely opposite effect.
How so?
you estimate things man, i don't havea measurement measured to show "that's how" but it will bring bitcoin up more in the normie discussions
Like it brought BAYC up more in the normie discussions? What's the difference between a BAYC pfp and a bitcoin pfp?
This will also develop a nice list of plebs to follow - the top faucet donations will be listed prominently so users can follow them