Just so you know, he doesn't like being called a hero (even if the shoe fits).
madness, 4/5 tops posts are from @ekzyis
photo removed after being seen
Are you not using dark mode? What a psycho!
no, it hurts my eyes 😂
100 sats \ 5 replies \ @ek 9 Jan
I change my mind about things all the time
Too late. You'll have to look for that validation somewhere else.
272 sats \ 2 replies \ @ek 9 Jan
Guess my previous reply about the topic of heroes did have a lasting impression.
And even though I know we're mostly just having fun here — I think you're like me: you also like to just have some fun occasionally — I wanted to discuss this topic a bit more seriously. So I created a post for it now :)
That blog post explains it a lot better than I can with my current time and writing skill constraints.
zap to hero is def more fun than zero 😂
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 9 Jan
Maybe it's zap to hero and then back with zap to zero?
An endless cycle.
embrace the change!