where is daily pill from @lux and zap to hero from @ekzyis
Just so you know, he doesn't like being called a hero (even if the shoe fits).
madness, 4/5 tops posts are from @ekzyis
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Are you not using dark mode? What a psycho!
no, it hurts my eyes 😂
100 sats \ 5 replies \ @ek 9 Jan
I change my mind about things all the time
Too late. You'll have to look for that validation somewhere else.
272 sats \ 2 replies \ @ek 9 Jan
Guess my previous reply about the topic of heroes did have a lasting impression.
And even though I know we're mostly just having fun here — I think you're like me: you also like to just have some fun occasionally — I wanted to discuss this topic a bit more seriously. So I created a post for it now :)
That blog post explains it a lot better than I can with my current time and writing skill constraints.
zap to hero is def more fun than zero 😂
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 9 Jan
Maybe it's zap to hero and then back with zap to zero?
An endless cycle.
embrace the change!
123 sats \ 1 reply \ @Lux 9 Jan
I had lots of free time last month to thinker. Not so much theese days. Was never meant to be daily anyways. And constantly reevaluating my knowledge, there are plenty scammers, grifters, controlled op in the space. If you didn't see it, I recomend: Trick, by Marcus – Servant King
just teasing you, def no pressure for daily post!
0 sats \ 3 replies \ @ek 9 Jan
there was a time shift in my time zone
is @ekzyis is nomad now?
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 9 Jan
i was always in my own time zone :)
me too, like the kids - I think this is our natural state, but as we grow up, many people "adapted" to the outside time zone. 😂