To extend on what Nuttall said below, I think it would be cool if we were able to create/submit different themes to customize the colors/display of the site...even if it were something super simple such as being able to customize the colors of the various main components (as a developer I can see how this would be pretty simple to integrate) would be nice. It's minor, but, I think it would be a welcome feature.
I would also like to see an optional alternative version of viewing the "front page", so to speak. Something that was perhaps more inclusive of using images sourced from metadata on the URLs submitted (if there's an underlying URL of something linked to from the post). Perhaps I'll have to whip something up in Figma to show you what I mean.
Nice one! I agree, customization always make user feel more comfortable to update the setting as needed. A color picker and personalization will be an enjoyable touch to add. Maybe something like the color options offered on LNbits?
There's also this proposal to add a sort of featured image on posts that contains one or, as you said, if is a post-type:link that featured image could be the featured image of the liked page itself.