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698 sats \ 1 reply \ @kepford 7 Jan
One of the biggest issues with conservatives is the fact they seem to always be on defence instead of pushing for the principle. Many years ago this was what drew me to Ron Paul. He had principles and backed them up. Its very rare to see.
Rethuglicans are spineless. They haven't had any policies that help anyone except corporate interests and straight white males since the 70s. Even anti-Trump Republicans that have been exiled can't tell you what they're for only what theyre against.
707 sats \ 5 replies \ @k00b 7 Jan
Every election cycle features a politician suggesting we do this. Tax reform seems so hopeless though. It's like a song for the choir the congregation will never hear.
While the effect is similar, I'm more fond of a national sales tax. Regardless it should be income or sales tax and not both. If an income tax, I like the idea of flat taxes with a progressive threshold - something like the lower tenth of income earners don't pay the tax.
True. Didn't Trump push a Paul Ryan idea of a tax code so simple you can file on a 3x5 card? I'm probably getting specifics wrong, but it was popular. Went nowhere tho.
Its like running for school president on the campaign promise of free ice cream on Fridays for all students. Childish.
I have the theory that we tend to collectively underestimate the power of unelected bureaucrats. If your proposals go against their interests, they'll just rebel and keep throwing sand in the gears.
Examples: Brexit implementation, Trump's immigration laws etc.
102 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 7 Jan
People love to hear it. @elvismercury introduced me to signaling theory not long ago and it really only makes sense in that frame.
And now you've introduced it to all of us. 🤙
Yep. Pretty much.
Add just another bad policy to the list of those Desantis and other Rethuglicans have passed, attempted to pass, or want to pass.
If you're okay with a flat tax the corporation CEO's are laughing at you thanking you for working to bolster their already massive wallets without even having to pay you for your time.
I would like a pony.
Cutting taxes don't mean shit if govts continue to run a deficit. Just end up printing more money
Our nation wouldn't run a deficit if it wasn't for the defense budget, which the Pentagon finishes every fiscal year with a surplus...that means they can't spend all the money Congress gives them yet the war mongers on the right press for more. Then they don't want to fund Ukraine who's actually in a fight for their democracy against a dictator and communist Russia?! I thought the Republicans were anti-communism?! Oh that's right now it's just make sure we don't piss off daddy trump so we don't lose our jobs. I get it now.