Ahhh I see. Yeah, I understand.
It really depends on how critical the code is, I guess. Some of my stuff is simple data processing so it's not the end of the world if a calculation is off. On the other hand, some other code manages stage control for some verrrrrry expensive optics that can easily damaged if there's a stage-objective collision. Also we have lasers, so many things can go wrong with lasers...
I suppose working on SN must be similar. Simple UI stuff is low-risk, managing deposits and channels high risk.
Simple UI stuff is low-risk, managing deposits and channels high risk.
At my previous company, I never had to think about this. All I did was to work on the same microservice that was connected to and consumed by basically everything else (microservice architecture at it's finest) and some bugs and their impacts were so ridiculous, I started to treat my code like any bug in it could grind the whole company to a halt, lol
And every time I found a bug, I wrote a test case for it so it never happens again.
Funny to think about it in hindsight.