I've noticed a slight delay between when sats add to my wallet and when the push notification shows up. It's just a little signal that I sometimes catch in my peripheral vision.
iOS? I used Firefox yesterday (I usually use Brave which is based on Chromium) and I noticed that push notifications there arrive really fast. So fast, I was shocked how used I got to the speed of push notifications on Brave (they use a push service from Google). I didn't think that push notifications could arrive that much faster.
I think you can see it on Brave. You might notice your balance change a second or two before you get the notification that someone zapped you.
Ah yes, I think I just did notice. We poll for an balance update (among other things) every second. So I guess sometimes, the timing is fortunate and the poll actually gets a faster response than the push notification arriving at your device since it goes through an additional hop before it arrives at your device.