He is a good coach. He is from the Shanahan coaching tree. They are all good. I really like the Vikings coaching staff. O'Connell is good and Flores is doing some wild stuff with the D.
I think O'Connell tries to get too cute sometimes. He needs to go for the throat not throttle back when we've got a lead. Flores turned more or less the same personnel from a bottom D to a top D. I got mad respect for Flores. I really like O'Connell, I just hope he irons out some of his game.management issues.
No coach is perfect. As fans we will always have things to squabble about regarding our coaches. Shanahan is great but there are still things he does that really irritate me. Like throwing on first down from the 15 on the first drive of the game against the best D in the league that loves to disguise coverages instead of just running even if you only get a couple yards to see how they are playing you in the red zone. As much as Brock made a bad read on that 1st INT Monday, Shanahan also got outschemed. He thought you knew what coverage they would be in in the red zone and they tricked him.
Always. But if they don't cocl.up how are us armchair experts gunna have anything to talk about 🤣 there's so much more to it than we see and we all say "oh I'd have done that" but these are the best coaches at the absolute top of their game. No we wouldn't have done better. It's endlessly frustrating when you see the same things happen. But they pull it off once and theyre the second coming.... Everyone forgets the 99 times they missed on a call when they make that 1.