Well, I would at least compensate you if you lose sats (and make sure I have good accounting going on to know who lost how many sats) and/or put strict limits on the amount of trading volume. But I also appreciate your trust in me :)
I am also looking forward to real sats on delphi. I had a call with @Alby and they mentioned that someone should fork manifold.markets since it's FOSS and replace their in-game currency Mana with real sats.
But I think I have a different vision for delphi. I don't intend to have huge volumes or a profitable business model one day [0]. I am more interested in making prediction market very accessible. A more "p2p microbets prediction market platform", you could say. A platform that runs itself and can be run by anyone so I need to do zero maintenance. So basically, not only decentralizing the oracle, but the whole market itself.
But the idea with forking manifold.markets is still a good one!
[0] but maybe that's what they all say in the beginning.
Don't feel like you have to rush it on our account: we all have nearly zero time-preference, after all.
I think when it's August 2024, there should have been made some significant progress :)
@remindme August 2024