So the monetary bubble is so big, the economy is yet to deflate from this high. And most in the West are simply unaware the cumulative impact of inflation has caused the value of the dollar, pound, euro etc to have fallen by about a quarter in the last 3/4 yrs alone. Because the massive injection of central bank liquidity masked it. Makes sense!
I didn't anticipate the lag (I didn't think about it one way or another), but there are substantial lags between printing money and price inflation, so there should be lags between a shrinking money supply and price deflation.
Study Econ. There is always a lag. They are very cunning in their communications, because being clear can bring undesirable effects.
Study Econ
It's a big subject and I can't pay attention to everything all the time. I'm not really a macro guy and the monetary deflation of the past year is historically unprecedented, so I don't know if more studying would have helped.
I have been thinking about macro questions more since finding Stacker News, so perhaps my instincts on the subject will improve.
Already have, I'd say.
Makes sense
Yes, indeed