Yes! I told him that right away, in hopes that he would not try to suck me in to his weird puddle, but he still grumbles about "[random coin] moved x cubits that way" on the daily. I never respond, but it doesn't seem to matter because he might as well be talking to himself.
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This is a really old friend, so I don't really take any joy in this. It's really depressing, and a bit frightening.
He did get rekt because of Celsius, but I don't know if he lost anything from NFTs or shitcoins. According to him he's made 1000s, but I guess that's irrelevant if it was all being held on some exchange that went belly-up.
I personally choose not to believe that anyone I know has profited from shitcoinery, but it's not really all that unbelievable. People win at gambling all the time. Still not for me. It's just playing with fire.
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