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I have recently gotten a friend of mine a job with a construction/maintenance company I work for. They placed him in the van with me as my partner, assuming that we already have some kind of rapport. I haven't actually spent time hanging out with the guy since high school, and was just getting a job for a buddy. Definitely wasn't trying to get locked in a van with the guy for 40 hours a week. He's not the same guy I used to know.
Apparently he had $21,000 in some shitcoin on Celsius, which is now locked out to him, so that's turned him into a bitter, sour apple. He's always on edge, talking really fast and jittery. Interrupting every sentence I start. Narcissisticly assuming every conversation is about him, when I'm just trying to discuss work. His mind is completely preoccupied with shitcoins and nfts, and he is constantly trying to bring it up and make me watch videos of that nonsense. (Even if I were interested, I'm barely scraping by, so I won't be investing in anyone's vaporware anytime soon) He's stares at his phone (flipping through shitcoin prices) more than my teenager on instagram.
NFTS! He won't fucking shut up about them, and some virtual reality world he's got, where he can display his worthless digital bullshit with other mental-cases who presumably get together in VR and talk too fast about how the rest of the world is the problem and not them. That's the only explanation I can think of as to why my formerly fun-loving friend has completely forgotten how to talk to people in the real world, lost all his charm and grace, and is now trapped in a victim mentality where everything he says is pure whining, anger, lashing out, or some combination thereof.
The moral of the story, I suppose, is to never keep in touch with people you used to know. Or never help old friends to get a job with you? I don't know. Just figured you guys could relate. I'm sure one or two of you have gotten stuck with a shitcoiner before.
His mind is completely preoccupied with shitcoins and nfts, and he is constantly trying to bring it up and make me watch videos of that nonsense. (Even if I were interested, I'm barely scraping by, so I won't be investing in anyone's vaporware anytime soon) He's stares at his phone (flipping through shitcoin prices) more than my teenager on instagram.
He just unironically needs to touch grass. Getting sucked in into incoherent logic is like a brain disease. It can be cured tho. He needs to spend time offline. Go outside into nature. Maybe spend an afternoon cooking and eating with his grandma or something. Once he comes down to earth it's like waking up from a hypnosis that "get rich quick" schemes don't exist and that the economy isn't a game that can be circumvented with some nft shitcoin.
and is now trapped in a victim mentality where everything he says is pure whining, anger, lashing out, or some combination thereof.
Exactly. It's exactly that. The thoughts of self-victimization are like a drug. Like a hypnosis. For a certain kind of person this whining/anger is simultaneously comforting and self destructive.
It's very sad. I've been an empathetic ear to the guy so far, and have tried not to provoke him, but it's like walking on eggshells. Boss recently told him he can bring his dog to work with him, so hopefully that will calm him down. I think the dangling carrot of Celsius potentially giving the money back is what's really got him on edge. False hope.
"NFTS! He won't fucking shut up about them, and some virtual reality world he's got, where he can display his worthless digital bullshit with other mental-cases who presumably get together in VR and talk too fast about how the rest of the world is the problem and not them."
Forget NFTs. Now this is art!
Trapped with a shitcoiner needs to be a weekly SN post.
would quit that job
I'm considering it. :(
Always good to change jobs because inflation drives higher pay for new people while veterans get fucked- they aren’t able to constantly negotiate pay to keep up with inflation.
Be ok with changing jobs often. Good luck!
Sad. He may need professional help. Don't be too hard on him. I wouldn't try to orange pill either. Each person needs their own time.
Definitely needs help. I'm not trying to poke him in the least, believe me. He seems violent. He interrupted me mid-sentence the other day, assuming I was beginning a conversation about him. I made a joke, saying "it's not all about you" and that I was trying to talk about something to do with x-mas bonuses. His response was that jittery fast-speech, "I know it's not all about me. I don't give a shit about me!" followed by punching himself in the face. Made me genuinely afraid for my safety. He's having a Gallagher-style, watermelon-smashing breakdown and I'm in the front row.
That's exactly how nocoiners see us.
Wrong. I don't talk about Bitcoin with people I work with, or anyone that doesn't specifically bring up the topic. And I am able to stop talking about something when someone says they aren't interested. My friend in this story is seriously mentally ill. (constantly angry and upset) If you think Bitcoiners behave like this you may have a problem, yourself.
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Tell him to go all in on the next NFT he brings up and watch the aftermath and laugh
I am trapped with a shitcoiner...
It can work as an horror movie.
Anyway, I personally like to keep everything I do separated, including the people I interact with.
If you introduce people to work you'll be responsible if anything happens, whether it's your fault or not.
I also like to keep my interests for myself, if someone I know like something I like too, I make it look like I don't even know what they are talking about.
The other day at a dinner with my family, someone talked about Bitcoin scams, I stayed silent like I never heard of Bitcoin ever.
If I had said anything, I would have my entire family from multiple generations asking and bothering me everyday to no end, shitcoiner style. 😱
really missing the dark sons smashin comments! @DarthCoin
Well I have been through such mess, it's not just the way you think it is, but it's as crazy as fck but thanks to one Mrs @hacktorpedo1 on twitter/X who helped me get my shitcoins back, you can recommend your friend to reach out to him
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Yes! I told him that right away, in hopes that he would not try to suck me in to his weird puddle, but he still grumbles about "[random coin] moved x cubits that way" on the daily. I never respond, but it doesn't seem to matter because he might as well be talking to himself.
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This is a really old friend, so I don't really take any joy in this. It's really depressing, and a bit frightening.
He did get rekt because of Celsius, but I don't know if he lost anything from NFTs or shitcoins. According to him he's made 1000s, but I guess that's irrelevant if it was all being held on some exchange that went belly-up.
I personally choose not to believe that anyone I know has profited from shitcoinery, but it's not really all that unbelievable. People win at gambling all the time. Still not for me. It's just playing with fire.
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