My wife and I drink Ginger, Green, Hibiscus, Chamomile all the time. I also drink black coffee. I don't put sugar or any sweetener at all in any of my drinks.
Hibiscus tea is really amazing. When I make it I use the flowers as they are loose. I put boiling hot water in a pitcher. For two liters I use three table spoons. The rich red color looks great. I let the water cool several hours. Then I refrigerate it as it's. I let the flowers float to the bottom. I pour when I want a refreshing drink.
As a diarrhetic hibiscus tea will make you pee so be prepared to dilute with fresh water if you find you pee too much. The flavor is very good in a natural sweet and tangy citrus way.
Ginger has a natural sweet smell. Chamomile is very good.
I used to drink diet Coke all the time. I drank about 2 liters a day. One night I was managing a project as a night superintendent and aI very nice cleaning lady said, "I noticed that you drink a lot of diet Cokes. It will make your dick fall off." I'm paraphrasing.
I got the message. She was an angel sent to help me. That was back in 2006.
Teas are inexpensive. With a good stainless steel insulated bottle regimen you can enjoy the benefits. You'll also find if you drunk them as they are that your taste buds improve. Your perception improves. You will save a whole lot of FIAT money by not buying commercial crap. My wife and I take our own thermos tea everywhere. Confiscate the Cantillionaire's Fiat, drink teas and stack sats.
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