Currently, the same access token can be used unlimited times once it's been paid for, for up to 2 hours after the payment was confirmed.
I'm simply following the mechanism that OpenAI uses with its Dalle image generator here - images generated are available to download for 2 hours.
Do you have any suggestions on other access policies?
Thank you for the follow up!
I was mostly thinking about how malicious actors could abuse your system. I wonder if paying a larger or smaller invoice to dictate how many times the access token can be used would make any sense? I suppose it would just force users to cache the JSON BLOB, but at least that would lower your resource consumption.
Maybe allowing users to extend the two hours by paying a larger invoice could be worthwhile. Not sure though.
Another question: any plans to extend beyond JSON?
Ah that's a good call out.
Letting an owner of a JSON blob adjust the time view window (from 2 hrs to an arbitrary length of time) is relatively straightforward. Letting a viewer/customer decide is doable too, but it would require generating new invoices. Likewise tracking the number of times an access token was 'used' would involve a little more tracking.
No plans to extend beyond JSON at present time. I am interested to see if there's interest for CSVs as well. Image files are a little bit of a different ball game because they require more content moderation - that said I am open to ideas.