Hey Stacker News,
I’m proud to share my project, HighContext.ai, which lets developers charge pay-per-view access to their JSON data using the Bitcoin Lightning network.
Here’s an example JSON blob:
Why use HighContext to charge for your data?
Today, millions of developers are building new AI models and agents that are eager to incorporate incremental training data in order to produce more accurate and reliable results. You can now let those developers—and their AI agents—quickly and easily transact with you using Lightning micropayments. Added benefits such as no chargeback risk, flexible pricing per API call, and an open payment system mean you’ll be exposing yourself to more potential customers and earning higher margin over time.
Interested to give it a try?
Visit https://highcontext.ai and upload your first JSON blob.
Let me know what you think!
Also, perhaps I missed it on the website, but I don’t see any mention of Bitcoin or LN?
You're right, there aren't any mentions currently. I am aiming to carefully thread the needle of focusing on the utility of the technology, micropayments, versus the technology in and of itself. I am 100% behind Bitcoin but don't want my beliefs to lead to dogmatic design decisions. That way I can stay focused on creating value for the end customer.
I'll add a mention of Bitcoin and Lightning on the website where we describe a little about the product. https://www.highcontext.ai/products
I am 100% behind Bitcoin but don't want my beliefs to lead to dogmatic design decisions. That way I can stay focused on creating value for the end customer.
Interesting view, but this freebie totally digs it
More power to people like you! I think people like you are going to drag us over the finish line, lol
I totally understand where you’re coming from. Thank you for your responses and transparency!
How many times can the same access token be used once it’s been paid for?
Currently, the same access token can be used unlimited times once it's been paid for, for up to 2 hours after the payment was confirmed.
I'm simply following the mechanism that OpenAI uses with its Dalle image generator here - images generated are available to download for 2 hours.
Do you have any suggestions on other access policies?
Thank you for the follow up!
I was mostly thinking about how malicious actors could abuse your system. I wonder if paying a larger or smaller invoice to dictate how many times the access token can be used would make any sense? I suppose it would just force users to cache the JSON BLOB, but at least that would lower your resource consumption.
Maybe allowing users to extend the two hours by paying a larger invoice could be worthwhile. Not sure though.
Another question: any plans to extend beyond JSON?
Ah that's a good call out.
Letting an owner of a JSON blob adjust the time view window (from 2 hrs to an arbitrary length of time) is relatively straightforward. Letting a viewer/customer decide is doable too, but it would require generating new invoices. Likewise tracking the number of times an access token was 'used' would involve a little more tracking.
No plans to extend beyond JSON at present time. I am interested to see if there's interest for CSVs as well. Image files are a little bit of a different ball game because they require more content moderation - that said I am open to ideas.