Something has changed either with or more likely, my node and I can't login. Let's try this again.
Maybe we can help you with your old account. What kind of node do you run (LND, CLN, Eclair, ...)? You used a node for lnauth, not a wallet, right?
We didn't change anything in our lnauth implementation. So there must have been some change on your side - like an update or something.
For example, Phoenix wallet offers two implementation for login with lightning:
So maybe there is a similar problem with your node?
Thanks for the help @ekzyis. I used lnauth via thunderhub as the ui, running LND via 'mynode'. Mynode has had numerous updates since I began my stacker account and I never had issues. It had been a month or so since I had logged in but once I used thunderhub about a week ago to log in via lnauth, it produces an entirely new account.
Just in case it's helpful, thunderhub provides a text box that you can paste the text for lnauth to open your account. That's what I used. No Qr codes were used. If you can suggest some possible trouble shoots, I'm more than willing to give it a crack. 🤙
Text vs QR Codes shouldn't matter
Did you try to search if other people have had similar issues? Or contact mynode yourself. Pretty sure they just updated something and a ton of people (everyone who updated) now have new keys