320 sats stacked
stacking since: #353013
My first account was @guyfawkes however my only login method was lnauth. Something has changed either with Stacker.news or more likely, my node and I can't login. Let's try this again.
Something has changed either with Stacker.news or more likely, my node and I can't login. Let's try this again.
Maybe we can help you with your old account. What kind of node do you run (LND, CLN, Eclair, ...)? You used a node for lnauth, not a wallet, right?
We didn't change anything in our lnauth implementation. So there must have been some change on your side - like an update or something.
For example, Phoenix wallet offers two implementation for login with lightning:
So maybe there is a similar problem with your node?
Welcome to the Final Frontier!
Welcome, stay humble, stack sats.
Welcome guyfawkes_v2 !
Stack sats, stay humble
Welcome to the sat party!