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Linus Torvalds has been using Apple hardware with Linux since mid 1990s.
If I remember correctly, Steve Job offered Linus a job at Apple at some point (which he turned down) and gave him a Mac during his visit to Apple HQ. He probably used it a bit, but I'm pretty sure he stopped using it a long time ago.
Common, just google / duckduckgo "linus torwarlds apple", it's common knowledge. Started with PPC Macs, now it's Apple silicon ARM MacBooks.
You are correct. He seems to still be running Linux on a Silicon Mac to help improve the kernel for that CPU architecture.
The last time I checked, Asahi Linux was the only Linux distribution that could run on a Silicon Mac, and it was in the experimental/alpha stage with many unresolved issues.
Here is a video made 2 months ago about the state of Asahi on an M1 Macbook Pro:
Maybe Linus uses more than one computer. Personally, I might run Asahi to experiment on it, but I would not use it as my daily driver at this stage.