You are correct. He seems to still be running Linux on a Silicon Mac to help improve the kernel for that CPU architecture.
The last time I checked, Asahi Linux was the only Linux distribution that could run on a Silicon Mac, and it was in the experimental/alpha stage with many unresolved issues.
Here is a video made 2 months ago about the state of Asahi on an M1 Macbook Pro:
Maybe Linus uses more than one computer. Personally, I might run Asahi to experiment on it, but I would not use it as my daily driver at this stage.
It should be possible to run Gentoo Linux too on anything that works with Linux kernel (although there was also Gentoo/*BSD projects in the past), as it's by default mostly manually built system (although I have scripted install).
Likely he has more than one computer at home, including PPC and x86 Apple hardware, before ARM Mx chips.