This is why we are exclusively focused on legal right now. We see potential in SN and want to make sure we aren't doing anything illegal by anyone's standard.
Owners cannot police their own territories.
As the proud owner of three territories, what kind of policing tools would you like to have?
Honestly, I prefer your method of a basic live and let live approach. I'm not asking for the ability to censor. I like the idea of a more decentralized SN where no person or entity (namely you and me) can be held responsible for the actions of people we have no control over. I don't want to be a cop, and you don't either. That's really the best thing about nostr, but SN just functions so much better.
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sir we are using social cowboy credits here
If we have to go an in game currency route (which is the last resort) to be compliant, I'd prefer either doubloon or scrip.
For me is simple.... But yeah many people cannot see clearly like me.
In order to claim ANY jurisdiction or authority over bitcoin, you must provide any proof that you are the owner or creator of those bitcoin.
They cannot do that and they are just playing a game with people's mind.
Recently I posted a comment about this aspect. I suggest to all people to pay attention to it. #332759
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This site is my entire life. I literally have nothing better to do or anything I'd rather do.
I remember your first announcement, was kind of shy announcement to invite people to try this crazy thing...
I said, what the heck is this, but hey is using sats! I cannot ignore this shit. Then I saw you put a lot of work on it.
I even had a talk with fiatjaf about it and he laugh about telling me: "oh yeah you are interesting in that thing SN, not sure if he gonna make it" (or something like that, you know how is fiatjaf...denying everything)
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I cannot reveal what that means for him in portuguese-BR. He said it once in a podcast, I think was on Citadel Dispatch, can't remember now exactly, but is not about fiat as we know it.
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Is there any way accounts use their own third party (phoenix, blixt)LN wallets?
I think ShockWallet could be a solution but is still in early beta. Looks promising.
Short answer: yes, third parties, whether compliant custodians or non-custodial wallets, are how we can still use real money on SN compliantly
Extension of answer: all third party options come with tradeoffs. e.g.
  • Most compliant custodians that allow us to "connect" to them all have customers they can't serve even in the US, e.g. NY residents.
  • mobile non-custodial wallets, even ones trying to serve SN-like use cases, can't send payments instantly and are even more difficult to receive payments to
Basically, no third party is a 100% solution to what we need if we want everyone to be able to use SN easily and cheaply. Still, we are excited to become customers of these third parties because it will help these solutions get better.
We are pretty far along on our thinking on this. We just need to consult with a few more groups first before cementing our plans. I'll share those not-yet-cemented plans on SN for feedback in a week or two.
Great information. I looked into the "money transmitter" possibility, and I'm less concerned, at least as between SN and individual stackers. I'm sure you guys have lawyers looking into everything, and especially regarding the particulars of how fiat is converted to bitcoin internally.
Yes, we were happy to learn SN paying people is very legal. The MTL trouble afaik is having custody of funds as they travel from person A to person B.
Sorry but I have to remember you again: I've told you so many times... implement the fucking LNDHUB and that's it!
How many times I have to be right until people take in consideration my advice?
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I don't know for certain, but I'd guess, except at the margins, that it wouldn't matter if we were based in El Salvador. If we serve US customers we are subject to US laws.
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They both played the obedient shitizen card. Ross also was a patsy, they framed him.
Let them come to me... I know how to deal with this shit. That is a difference between a sovereign individual and a citizen...
When you are in this fucked up position, you are the one having them by the balls...
but yeah... if you play by the lawyers game... you always lose IT'S ALL A FUCKING THEATER, A GAME. But people are so afraid even to see the fucking truth.
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sorry but I do not speak from my ass, just for talking. I was in several times in that court room and I OWNED THEM, I got them by their own balls. This is serious stuff that very few here pay attention. I am tired to repeat myself: there are ONLY COROPORATIONS. CORPORATIONS run only by the contracts, not by laws... Laws are for clueless slaves. STUDY UCC.
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Exactly right. I should have included that in the post
I wonder when a crazy lawyer goes into supreme court and challenge this stupidity of "money transmitter" license... that only exist in US.
Damn it guys, should I do that?
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