No thanks I just wanted to be a contrarian and I didn't even know MVP was for the tournament not for just the championship game. Haha.
I was just trying to add some skin in the game to make it more enjoyable. I'm still stuck at work and can't watch it anyways. Going to finish soon. Hopefully can still catch the end of it when I get home. Cheers and enjoy the game!
Maybe next time. I already have about 10k sats bet on nfl games tomorrow and I want to recoup some sats from the territory fee before I start losing bets.
You keep a share of the zaps, right? So, those side bets might be you're path to fortune.
Yes I would get half of the fee revenue but I don't think losing a bunch of side bets to get some sats back is a great strategy for me. Good for me if I am not the one betting though.
You have to spend money to make money
If Anthony Davis stayed healthy actually played like this in the real playoffs the Lakers would win the championship every year.
As good as they look tonight, I was thinking about how amazing it is that Denver is just better than them.
I have to give them credit. When the Pacers made their run I thought it might turn the momentum of the game. I thought the Lakers would get tired late in 4th with how many minutes AD and Lebron have played.