Hands up if you’ve got a post in the works…
In my mind I constantly have ideas about posting something but then, time passes and I never post. I am the worst. Any idea how to make the step and start posting?
what I’ve done:
  • For short form, just share links with a little bit of commentary. Makes a lot of difference and saves people time deciding whether to click the link.
  • For longer stuff, just start writing. Do so in a markdown editor, as you can preview in real time. And after 2/3 hours tell yourself you’re not going to post it. Then you can come back to it another day and build on it if necessary. I tend to rush stuff out, even after spending hours or days on it. A 2nd set of eyes before publishing isn’t the worst idea, if you want it to have real impact. I tend to skip that step and get too excited about posting what is 90% done.
  • Another tip I found is tell people here in the saloon what you’re going to write about and I promise people will check back and find out how it’s going. Because they genuinely have an interest in the same topics.
Great tips man!
I use SN as my markdown editor to see in real-time as i'm writing stuff for a post
Thank you. Very good tips :)
how to make the step and start posting?
maybe start from posting small things in the saloon, I guess the real fear stop most people from posting is afraid no one pay attention? but most stackers read the saloon everyday haha
Hehe I think you may be right. Good idea. I may have to come to the saloon more often 😅
I use Nextcloud Notes to gather links/texts/images whenever i find something of value about a certain topic i want to post about, so when i do decide to make the post i already have most of the material necessary. It helps me a lot.
Struggling now, there's a few things that I want to throw out there that are more conversations I want to have than posts; but I feel like I need to meet a high standard before I do.
But don't have time to meet a high standard. And so ... nothing.
Something will give eventually, but unclear what.